- All
- For Churches
- Statistics and Reports
- Understanding Domestic Violence
- Initiatives
- Perpetrators
- Ways to Help
The following resources have been reviewed and assembled by a team of global leaders seeking to provide content and tools that are relevant and practical for individuals, churches, and ministries seeking to stand against domestic violence.
Wives Submit to Your Husbands, a Charter for Domestic Abuse?
Wives Submit to Your Husbands, a Charter for Domestic Abuse? Spring Harvest Home Seminar
Sista Library
This website was developed by Sista, a Vanuatuan charitable organization which seeks to empower women and girls, raise awareness and advocate on issues that affect them.
Violences conjugales: Accompagner les victimes
This book, written by clinical psychologist Cosette Fébriss, pastor Jacques Poujol and theologian Valerie Duval-Poujol is aimed at women experiencing domestic abuse.
Ensemble Contre les Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Mieux Agir Dans les Eglises
From the French Baptist Federation, this magazine has been developed to help identify domestic violence and listen, discern and support those in this situation effectively.
Une Place Pour Elles
“Une place pour elles”: Originally an Italian initiative («posto occupato») has now also expanded to French speaking countries.
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts
Stories of God releasing women alongside men into all forms of ministry, leadership, work, and service on the basis of character and gifting
Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife: My Story of Finding Hope after Domestic Abuse
Recounting a harrowing story of abuse at the hands of a well-educated, charming preacher, a story would help other women caught in a cycle of domestic violence.
Domestic Abuse in Churches: A Safe Pastoral Response
Develop an understanding of the different types of domestic abuse, examine the challenges faced by those who are victims and survivors
Transforming Masculinities
Transforming Masculinities (TM), an evidence-based intervention developed by Tearfund to end sexual and gender-based violence and to work toward more gender-equal societies.
Project Mirabal
Project Mirabal is an award winning research project which investigated the question ‘Do domestic violence perpetrator...
Safer Spaces Toolkit
A web-based resource designed to equip pastors and church staff on the complexities of domestic violence and how it affects members of their congregation and community.
Project Esther
Project Esther is a New Zealand-based charitable trust that provides a multifaceted range of support for women and families, including those experiencing domestic abuse.
NO PLACE FOR ABUSE: Biblical and Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence (2010)
Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark share years of experience in listening to women from around the world and discuss concrete ways to respond to abuse.
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People
Information from Women’s Aid on the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people with data and links to support services in the United Kingdom.
The Duluth Model
An inventory of resources available which are mostly based on the Duluth Model, which utilises a wheel image to understand the dynamics of abuse and control.
Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse
Authors Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys describe clearly the nature of spiritual abuse and outline the best ways to counter it to create healthy cultures.
HeForShe is a United Nations Global Solidarity Movement inviting men to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible, and united force for gender equality.
Press Red: Turn the Silence Off
Press Red is a Christian organisation educating, equipping, and empowering on the issues of violence and abuse against women and girls.
Ending Abuse: 4 Steps for Churches
Drawn from her presentation to the Evangelical Press Association, Dr. Mimi Haddad gives an overview of four key steps that can be taken to end abuse in churches.
National Anglican Family Violence Project
The National Anglican Family Violence Project (NAFVP) investigated the prevalence, experience, and impact of family violence for Anglicans in Australia.
A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse
This resource from The Christian Network to End Domestic Abuse outlines what the Bible says about healthy relationships and how to prevent abuse.
Thursdays in Black
This initiative from the World Council of Churches encourages all to speak out against violence to ensure that all are safe in all places in our societies.
Dignity Coalition Church Charter
This charter for churches by BMS World Mission identifies the reality of domestic abuse and shares ways for churches to bring about change.
Advocacy in Egypt: Protecting Women from Abuse
This short, story-based case study from Tearfund addresses the themes of human rights, sexual abuse and pornography with examples of advocacy approaches.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
A special issue of Footsteps Magazine featuring ways to empower women economically to make them less vulnerable and help survivors of violence on their journey to healing.
Rethinking Relationships: Moving from Violence to Equality
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at ways to prevent violence against women and girls within the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Masculinities, Faith, and Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at the issue of domestic violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Agir en Eglise (2020)
A French language handbook for Baptist churches with psychological, biblical, and practical inputs to support Christians who want to help victims.
Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women (2018)
This award-winning book offers a comprehensive look at the different areas of gender violence, including domestic violence, around the world.
Five Ways Pastors Unconsciously Reinforce Abuse and How To Do Better
A short article outlining practical ways pastors can avoid unconsciously endorsing domestic violence in their leadership and preaching.
Baptist Union of Great Britain Guide to Understanding Domestic Abuse
This guide was been produced to give churches an increased understanding of the issues surrounding domestic abuse and a greater confidence in how to respond appropriately.
We Will Speak Out SA – Faith Communities Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
A South African coalition working together to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence in the faith sector and wider society and bring healing to survivors.
Becoming a Safe Place for Victims of Domestic Violence
An article providing a summary of the workshop led by Stephen McMullin, with the Rave Project, at the 2012 Safe Church Conference.
SAFER is an evidence-based collection of resources to help churches understand, identify, and respond to domestic and family violence.
Not in My House
Developed by BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services, this resource equips educators to train others how to respond to domestic and family violence.
Dishonoured and Unheard: Christian Women, Domestic Violence and the Church (2018)
Author Daphne Marsden examines how evangelical churches respond to domestic abuse within church communities and calls for theological and practical changes.
In Churches Too: Church Responses to Domestic Abuse – A Case Study of Cumbria (2018)
Undertaken by University of Coventry researchers, this study aimed to identify the nature, dynamics, and impact of domestic abuse for churchgoers.
Vox Ireland Report on Women and the Church (2019)
Exploring the experience of women and attitudes towards women in Irish churches, this report from VOX Magazine also looks at issues of violence and abuse.
Declaration of Humanity by Leaders of Faith and Leaders of Belief (2020)
Leaders from many faiths and beliefs call for the prevention of sexual violence in conflict and denounce the stigma faced by survivors, including children born of sexual violence.
This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.
Domestic Abuse: Recognise the Signs
This resource from the United Kingdom gives clear and simple examples of abusive behaviours and ways to support those who may be experiencing abuse.
United Nations Women – Facts and Figures: Ending Violence Against Women
Through their International statistical research efforts, United Nations shares critical facts and figures related to violence against women around the world.
Global Database on Violence Against Women
This resource provides access to up-to-date information on measures undertaken by United Nations Member States to address all forms of violence against women.
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So: Why You Don’t Have to Submit to Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
Helen Paynter writes with clarity about the flawed interpretation of Biblical passages that have been used to validate violence against women.
The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women: Are They Related in Any Way?
Author Kevin Giles shows that there are higher incidents of abuse in communities where men are privileged and expect to be in charge and women to be subordinated.
Unveiling Paul’s Women: Making Sense of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
Author Lucy Peppiatt offers a plausible re-reading of the 1 Corinthians text that shows the Apostle Paul as a visionary who championed women in all forms of leadership.
Responding Well to Domestic Abuse
This resource outlines the Church of England’s domestic abuse policy as well as practical guidance on how the policy should be implemented in local churches.
Eyes Open to Abuse
Created by Fuller Seminary, this resource equips individuals and churches to identify signs and characteristics of abuse and abusers and develop a plan to support survivors.
See What You Made Me Do (2019)
Investigative journalist Jess HIll uncovers the effects of domestic violence on children, the experience of indigenous women, women as perpetrators, and explores solutions.
SHINE: Making Homes Violence Free
Shine provides a range of services to stop domestic violence in New Zealand, including emergency support, training programs, non-violence programs, and learning resources.
This online initiative is designed help churches recognise, prevent, and address domestic violence and transgressive behavior within the church.
This report presents a global review of data on the two forms of violence against women: violence by an intimate partner and sexual violence by someone other than a partner.
Out of Control: Couples, Conflict and the Capacity for Change
Abuse survivor and activist Natalie Collins shares what domestic abuse is, how it is perpetuated, and its impact on adults and children.
RAVE (Religion and Violence E-Learning) seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse.
Faith and Intimate Partner Violence
A free resource from FaithTrust Institute outlining the role religion and spirituality may have in the lives of victims/survivors of intimate partner violence.
Search resources designed to inform and equip congregations with biblical and theological perspectives underpinning change.
Violences conjugales: Accompagner les victimes
This book, written by clinical psychologist Cosette Fébriss, pastor Jacques Poujol and theologian Valerie Duval-Poujol is aimed at women experiencing domestic abuse.
Ensemble Contre les Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Mieux Agir Dans les Eglises
From the French Baptist Federation, this magazine has been developed to help identify domestic violence and listen, discern and support those in this situation effectively.
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts
Stories of God releasing women alongside men into all forms of ministry, leadership, work, and service on the basis of character and gifting
Domestic Abuse in Churches: A Safe Pastoral Response
Develop an understanding of the different types of domestic abuse, examine the challenges faced by those who are victims and survivors
Transforming Masculinities
Transforming Masculinities (TM), an evidence-based intervention developed by Tearfund to end sexual and gender-based violence and to work toward more gender-equal societies.
Safer Spaces Toolkit
A web-based resource designed to equip pastors and church staff on the complexities of domestic violence and how it affects members of their congregation and community.
NO PLACE FOR ABUSE: Biblical and Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence (2010)
Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark share years of experience in listening to women from around the world and discuss concrete ways to respond to abuse.
Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse
Authors Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys describe clearly the nature of spiritual abuse and outline the best ways to counter it to create healthy cultures.
Press Red: Turn the Silence Off
Press Red is a Christian organisation educating, equipping, and empowering on the issues of violence and abuse against women and girls.
Ending Abuse: 4 Steps for Churches
Drawn from her presentation to the Evangelical Press Association, Dr. Mimi Haddad gives an overview of four key steps that can be taken to end abuse in churches.
National Anglican Family Violence Project
The National Anglican Family Violence Project (NAFVP) investigated the prevalence, experience, and impact of family violence for Anglicans in Australia.
A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse
This resource from The Christian Network to End Domestic Abuse outlines what the Bible says about healthy relationships and how to prevent abuse.
Thursdays in Black
This initiative from the World Council of Churches encourages all to speak out against violence to ensure that all are safe in all places in our societies.
Dignity Coalition Church Charter
This charter for churches by BMS World Mission identifies the reality of domestic abuse and shares ways for churches to bring about change.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
A special issue of Footsteps Magazine featuring ways to empower women economically to make them less vulnerable and help survivors of violence on their journey to healing.
Rethinking Relationships: Moving from Violence to Equality
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at ways to prevent violence against women and girls within the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Masculinities, Faith, and Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at the issue of domestic violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Agir en Eglise (2020)
A French language handbook for Baptist churches with psychological, biblical, and practical inputs to support Christians who want to help victims.
Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women (2018)
This award-winning book offers a comprehensive look at the different areas of gender violence, including domestic violence, around the world.
Five Ways Pastors Unconsciously Reinforce Abuse and How To Do Better
A short article outlining practical ways pastors can avoid unconsciously endorsing domestic violence in their leadership and preaching.
We Will Speak Out SA – Faith Communities Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
A South African coalition working together to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence in the faith sector and wider society and bring healing to survivors.
Becoming a Safe Place for Victims of Domestic Violence
An article providing a summary of the workshop led by Stephen McMullin, with the Rave Project, at the 2012 Safe Church Conference.
SAFER is an evidence-based collection of resources to help churches understand, identify, and respond to domestic and family violence.
In Churches Too: Church Responses to Domestic Abuse – A Case Study of Cumbria (2018)
Undertaken by University of Coventry researchers, this study aimed to identify the nature, dynamics, and impact of domestic abuse for churchgoers.
Vox Ireland Report on Women and the Church (2019)
Exploring the experience of women and attitudes towards women in Irish churches, this report from VOX Magazine also looks at issues of violence and abuse.
Declaration of Humanity by Leaders of Faith and Leaders of Belief (2020)
Leaders from many faiths and beliefs call for the prevention of sexual violence in conflict and denounce the stigma faced by survivors, including children born of sexual violence.
This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So: Why You Don’t Have to Submit to Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
Helen Paynter writes with clarity about the flawed interpretation of Biblical passages that have been used to validate violence against women.
The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women: Are They Related in Any Way?
Author Kevin Giles shows that there are higher incidents of abuse in communities where men are privileged and expect to be in charge and women to be subordinated.
Responding Well to Domestic Abuse
This resource outlines the Church of England’s domestic abuse policy as well as practical guidance on how the policy should be implemented in local churches.
Unveiling Paul’s Women: Making Sense of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
Author Lucy Peppiatt offers a plausible re-reading of the 1 Corinthians text that shows the Apostle Paul as a visionary who championed women in all forms of leadership.
RAVE (Religion and Violence E-Learning) seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse.
This online initiative is designed help churches recognise, prevent, and address domestic violence and transgressive behavior within the church.
See What You Made Me Do (2019)
Investigative journalist Jess HIll uncovers the effects of domestic violence on children, the experience of indigenous women, women as perpetrators, and explores solutions.
Eyes Open to Abuse
Created by Fuller Seminary, this resource equips individuals and churches to identify signs and characteristics of abuse and abusers and develop a plan to support survivors.
Faith and Intimate Partner Violence
A free resource from FaithTrust Institute outlining the role religion and spirituality may have in the lives of victims/survivors of intimate partner violence.
Browse studies and reports documenting the latest research-based information related to domestic violence.
Sista Library
This website was developed by Sista, a Vanuatuan charitable organization which seeks to empower women and girls, raise awareness and advocate on issues that affect them.
National Anglican Family Violence Project
The National Anglican Family Violence Project (NAFVP) investigated the prevalence, experience, and impact of family violence for Anglicans in Australia.
Advocacy in Egypt: Protecting Women from Abuse
This short, story-based case study from Tearfund addresses the themes of human rights, sexual abuse and pornography with examples of advocacy approaches.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
A special issue of Footsteps Magazine featuring ways to empower women economically to make them less vulnerable and help survivors of violence on their journey to healing.
Rethinking Relationships: Moving from Violence to Equality
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at ways to prevent violence against women and girls within the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Masculinities, Faith, and Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
This report from Tearfund, a Christian relief and development agency, looks specifically at the issue of domestic violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
In Churches Too: Church Responses to Domestic Abuse – A Case Study of Cumbria (2018)
Undertaken by University of Coventry researchers, this study aimed to identify the nature, dynamics, and impact of domestic abuse for churchgoers.
Vox Ireland Report on Women and the Church (2019)
Exploring the experience of women and attitudes towards women in Irish churches, this report from VOX Magazine also looks at issues of violence and abuse.
United Nations Women – Facts and Figures: Ending Violence Against Women
Through their International statistical research efforts, United Nations shares critical facts and figures related to violence against women around the world.
Global Database on Violence Against Women
This resource provides access to up-to-date information on measures undertaken by United Nations Member States to address all forms of violence against women.
This report presents a global review of data on the two forms of violence against women: violence by an intimate partner and sexual violence by someone other than a partner.
Learn more about this global issue problem that has far too often gone unaddressed and unreported.
Sista Library
This website was developed by Sista, a Vanuatuan charitable organization which seeks to empower women and girls, raise awareness and advocate on issues that affect them.
Violences conjugales: Accompagner les victimes
This book, written by clinical psychologist Cosette Fébriss, pastor Jacques Poujol and theologian Valerie Duval-Poujol is aimed at women experiencing domestic abuse.
Ensemble Contre les Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Mieux Agir Dans les Eglises
From the French Baptist Federation, this magazine has been developed to help identify domestic violence and listen, discern and support those in this situation effectively.
Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife: My Story of Finding Hope after Domestic Abuse
Recounting a harrowing story of abuse at the hands of a well-educated, charming preacher, a story would help other women caught in a cycle of domestic violence.
Domestic Abuse in Churches: A Safe Pastoral Response
Develop an understanding of the different types of domestic abuse, examine the challenges faced by those who are victims and survivors
Project Mirabal
Project Mirabal is an award winning research project which investigated the question ‘Do domestic violence perpetrator...
NO PLACE FOR ABUSE: Biblical and Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence (2010)
Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark share years of experience in listening to women from around the world and discuss concrete ways to respond to abuse.
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People
Information from Women’s Aid on the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people with data and links to support services in the United Kingdom.
The Duluth Model
An inventory of resources available which are mostly based on the Duluth Model, which utilises a wheel image to understand the dynamics of abuse and control.
Violences Conjugales: Les Identifier Pour Agir en Eglise (2020)
A French language handbook for Baptist churches with psychological, biblical, and practical inputs to support Christians who want to help victims.
Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women (2018)
This award-winning book offers a comprehensive look at the different areas of gender violence, including domestic violence, around the world.
Baptist Union of Great Britain Guide to Understanding Domestic Abuse
This guide was been produced to give churches an increased understanding of the issues surrounding domestic abuse and a greater confidence in how to respond appropriately.
Not in My House
Developed by BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services, this resource equips educators to train others how to respond to domestic and family violence.
Dishonoured and Unheard: Christian Women, Domestic Violence and the Church (2018)
Author Daphne Marsden examines how evangelical churches respond to domestic abuse within church communities and calls for theological and practical changes.
This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.
Domestic Abuse: Recognise the Signs
This resource from the United Kingdom gives clear and simple examples of abusive behaviours and ways to support those who may be experiencing abuse.
Responding Well to Domestic Abuse
This resource outlines the Church of England’s domestic abuse policy as well as practical guidance on how the policy should be implemented in local churches.
SHINE: Making Homes Violence Free
Shine provides a range of services to stop domestic violence in New Zealand, including emergency support, training programs, non-violence programs, and learning resources.
Eyes Open to Abuse
Created by Fuller Seminary, this resource equips individuals and churches to identify signs and characteristics of abuse and abusers and develop a plan to support survivors.
RAVE (Religion and Violence E-Learning) seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse.
Out of Control: Couples, Conflict and the Capacity for Change
Abuse survivor and activist Natalie Collins shares what domestic abuse is, how it is perpetuated, and its impact on adults and children.
Learn more about global initiatives that are making a difference in the stand against domestic violence.
Sista Library
This website was developed by Sista, a Vanuatuan charitable organization which seeks to empower women and girls, raise awareness and advocate on issues that affect them.
Une Place Pour Elles
“Une place pour elles”: Originally an Italian initiative («posto occupato») has now also expanded to French speaking countries.
Project Esther
Project Esther is a New Zealand-based charitable trust that provides a multifaceted range of support for women and families, including those experiencing domestic abuse.
HeForShe is a United Nations Global Solidarity Movement inviting men to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible, and united force for gender equality.
Press Red: Turn the Silence Off
Press Red is a Christian organisation educating, equipping, and empowering on the issues of violence and abuse against women and girls.
National Anglican Family Violence Project
The National Anglican Family Violence Project (NAFVP) investigated the prevalence, experience, and impact of family violence for Anglicans in Australia.
A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse
This resource from The Christian Network to End Domestic Abuse outlines what the Bible says about healthy relationships and how to prevent abuse.
Thursdays in Black
This initiative from the World Council of Churches encourages all to speak out against violence to ensure that all are safe in all places in our societies.
Dignity Coalition Church Charter
This charter for churches by BMS World Mission identifies the reality of domestic abuse and shares ways for churches to bring about change.
We Will Speak Out SA – Faith Communities Ending Sexual and Gender-based Violence
A South African coalition working together to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence in the faith sector and wider society and bring healing to survivors.
Declaration of Humanity by Leaders of Faith and Leaders of Belief (2020)
Leaders from many faiths and beliefs call for the prevention of sexual violence in conflict and denounce the stigma faced by survivors, including children born of sexual violence.
This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.
Responding Well to Domestic Abuse
This resource outlines the Church of England’s domestic abuse policy as well as practical guidance on how the policy should be implemented in local churches.
Eyes Open to Abuse
Created by Fuller Seminary, this resource equips individuals and churches to identify signs and characteristics of abuse and abusers and develop a plan to support survivors.
This online initiative is designed help churches recognise, prevent, and address domestic violence and transgressive behavior within the church.
Find information and programs to help work with perpetrators to bring about change and stop the cycle of violence.
Transforming Masculinities
Transforming Masculinities (TM), an evidence-based intervention developed by Tearfund to end sexual and gender-based violence and to work toward more gender-equal societies.
Project Mirabal
Project Mirabal is an award winning research project which investigated the question ‘Do domestic violence perpetrator...
The Duluth Model
An inventory of resources available which are mostly based on the Duluth Model, which utilises a wheel image to understand the dynamics of abuse and control.
SAFER is an evidence-based collection of resources to help churches understand, identify, and respond to domestic and family violence.
Not in My House
Developed by BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services, this resource equips educators to train others how to respond to domestic and family violence.
Out of Control: Couples, Conflict and the Capacity for Change
Abuse survivor and activist Natalie Collins shares what domestic abuse is, how it is perpetuated, and its impact on adults and children.
Review resources that can be used to help women in your church or community who are in need of support.
Domestic Abuse in Churches: A Safe Pastoral Response
Develop an understanding of the different types of domestic abuse, examine the challenges faced by those who are victims and survivors
Project Esther
Project Esther is a New Zealand-based charitable trust that provides a multifaceted range of support for women and families, including those experiencing domestic abuse.
NO PLACE FOR ABUSE: Biblical and Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence (2010)
Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark share years of experience in listening to women from around the world and discuss concrete ways to respond to abuse.
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People
Information from Women’s Aid on the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people with data and links to support services in the United Kingdom.
The Duluth Model
An inventory of resources available which are mostly based on the Duluth Model, which utilises a wheel image to understand the dynamics of abuse and control.
Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse
Authors Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys describe clearly the nature of spiritual abuse and outline the best ways to counter it to create healthy cultures.
Dignity Coalition Church Charter
This charter for churches by BMS World Mission identifies the reality of domestic abuse and shares ways for churches to bring about change.
Advocacy in Egypt: Protecting Women from Abuse
This short, story-based case study from Tearfund addresses the themes of human rights, sexual abuse and pornography with examples of advocacy approaches.
SAFER is an evidence-based collection of resources to help churches understand, identify, and respond to domestic and family violence.
Not in My House
Developed by BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services, this resource equips educators to train others how to respond to domestic and family violence.
This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.
Domestic Abuse: Recognise the Signs
This resource from the United Kingdom gives clear and simple examples of abusive behaviours and ways to support those who may be experiencing abuse.
SHINE: Making Homes Violence Free
Shine provides a range of services to stop domestic violence in New Zealand, including emergency support, training programs, non-violence programs, and learning resources.