Understanding Domestic Violence

Learn more about this global issue problem that has far too often gone unaddressed and unreported.

Sista Library

Sista Library

This website was developed by Sista, a Vanuatuan charitable organization which seeks to empower women and girls, raise awareness and advocate on issues that affect them.

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Project Mirabal

Project Mirabal

Project Mirabal is an award winning research project which investigated the question ‘Do domestic violence perpetrator...

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The Duluth Model

The Duluth Model

An inventory of resources available which are mostly based on the Duluth Model, which utilises a wheel image to understand the dynamics of abuse and control.

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Not in My House

Not in My House

Developed by BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services, this resource equips educators to train others how to respond to domestic and family violence.

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This organisation provides extensive resources in all areas related to domestic violence, including programs for men and information on understanding domestic violence.

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SHINE: Making Homes Violence Free

SHINE: Making Homes Violence Free

Shine provides a range of services to stop domestic violence in New Zealand, including emergency support, training programs, non-violence programs, and learning resources.

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Eyes Open to Abuse

Eyes Open to Abuse

Created by Fuller Seminary, this resource equips individuals and churches to identify signs and characteristics of abuse and abusers and develop a plan to support survivors.

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RAVE (Religion and Violence E-Learning) seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse.

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